Patrons wishing to participate in environmental recreation on Fort Campbell will need to follow these steps to acquire the appropriate permits and validations:


Fort Campbell’s primary mission is to support military training. Access is controlled and subject to change based on security requirements.  Patrons are responsible for ensuring they meet the requirements for access to the installation. Individuals that do not have a valid DoD ID Card (i.e. Non-Affiliated Civilians) must complete a criminal background check annually. Specific directions for completing a background check will be described in step two.


Background checks are not required for individuals possessing a military ID or CAC Card. A background check is required for Non-Affiliated Civilians. Non-Affiliated Civilians wanting to participation in environmental recreation should fill out FC Form 190-5 to complete the background check. All completed background check forms should be submitted via email to usarmy.campbell.imcom-atlantic.mbx.des-access-control@army.mil                                                                 


Go to the Fort Campbell iSportsman homepage. Click on the “My Account” and then click on the “New User Account” link. During the registration process, you must submit your personal contact information and will be required to read the CAM Regulation 200-4, Hunting and Fishing, and the Environmental Recreation Policy Memorandum. New customers will also be required to sign a liability waiver.


Patrons wishing to participate in environmental recreation will be required to complete the watersports safety training and the Recreational Off-highway Vehicle (ROV) training. Safety trainings will appear in the customer’s account after login. If no safety briefings are visible, click “My Safety Briefings” in the menu bar. 


Once your account has been created you must have your account validated. This is an annual requirement that must be completed each year prior to acquiring a permit. In order to have an account validated, send a request with the subject line “Fort Campbell validation request” to usarmy.campbell.imcom.mbx.fish-and-wildlife@army.mil.

The email should include the following documents:

NOTE: DO NOT send any form of state or federal issued identification. This includes, but is not limited to, state issued driver license, Military ID, and/or Common Access Cards.


You can purchase permits by clicking on the "My Account" tab.  After logging in, click on the "Available Permits" button.  Only permits that you qualify for will show up as available. Note: If you qualify for free permits (Youth, Disabled, or E1-E4) you will still be required to go to “Available Permits” to download the permit to your account. If you are unable to access permits in your account, please ensure that your account has been validated by Fort Campbell Fish and Wildlife as discussed in step 5. 


Once you have acquired your permit(s) you are ready to check-in. When you check-in you will select Environmental Recreation and then you must select the area in which you wish to particpate in environmental recreation activities . Environmental recreation activities will allow you to select up to three areas.

Step 8. Go Recreate

After signing in, you are authorized to enter the area. You must have proof of your permit on your person while afield. Recreationsists are welcome to print or to save these documents directly to their mobile device. You can download your permit in your iSportman portal by visiting My Account > My Permits > click Print Permit. By clicking print permit you will have the option to print or save a PDF of your information. Note: recreationists are required to print the annual vehicle permit which must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle in clear sight with the permit numbers facing up.

As you recreate, please remain aware that you are on a military training installation. Please remain courteous and follow any directions from Military or civilian Army officials. If for any reason you encounter a military training operation, you must exit the training area immediately and report the incident to Range Branch. Military training is our priority and will take precedence over all recreation activities.

You must have proof of your permit on your person while afield. Sportsman are welcome to print or to save these documents directly to their mobile device. You can download your permit in your iSportman portal by visiting My Account > My Permits > click Print Permit. By clicking print permit you will have the option to print or save a PDF of your information.


When you are finished recreating, don’t forget to check-out of your area. Failure to check-out could prompt emergency or rescue personnel to begin a search or investigation. In addition, individuals failing to check-out will have their recreation privileges suspended per the Environmental Recreation Policy Letter

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